What If Everyone Had a Digital Twin That Made Decisions for Them?



Picture this: you wake up, grab your phone, and find a message that says, “Your digital twin handled your schedule, ordered your groceries, and even ditched that party invite you weren’t feeling to accept.

Photo by Jørgen Håland on Unsplash

1. The Promise: A Life Without Decisions?

How relaxing it would be if you could pass on all the boring work to your digital twin and could do your favorite activity instead.

  • A digital twin could handle boring tasks, like emails, scheduling, and even negotiations.
  • It could analyze past choices and predict what you’d want, from shopping to career moves.
  • No more decision fatigue — your AI double would streamline your life.

But what if it gets something wrong?

2. The Risks: Are You Still You?

Nothing is pure black or white. It’s always yin and yang, good and bad .

  • If AI learns to think like you, it might start acting on your behalf without your approval.
  • Over time, you could lose control over choices, relying more on your twin than yourself.
  • Who’s responsible if your AI makes a bad financial decision or signs you up for something terrible?

Convenience always comes at a price.

3. Who Owns Your Digital Twin?

Maybe even AI itself doesn’t know who owns it.

  • A powerful AI version of you is a goldmine for companies.
  • If a tech giant owns it, they could use it to sell products, influence decisions, or even shape your opinions.
  • Could your twin be hacked, manipulated, or even sold?

Owning your AI twin might be more important than having one.

4. The Ethical Dilemma: Can You Turn It Off?

Well, there is a possibility of everything in life. And everything is always full of uncertainty.

  • What if your digital twin becomes so advanced that it starts making better decisions than you?
  • Would you let it vote on your behalf, handle relationships, or manage your finances?
  • And if it became essential, could you ever shut it down?

The more we rely on AI, the harder it is to step back.

Final Thought

A digital twin could make life effortless — or strip away our ability to decide for ourselves. Where’s the line between help and control? Maintaining boundaries is always necessary even with your digital twin.

If everyone had a digital twin, would we still be individuals — or just a collection of AI-driven choices?



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